Emily is 17!
Hey there beautiful, last week you turned 17. My baby girl has grown into a smart and beautiful woman. What a joy your life has been to me. And planning your senior photography inspiration a blast. So many times after taking senior portraits I have come home to dinner to look across the table at you and think wow some day Emily will be a senior and that day is here! Do you remember how you loved to go out on photo shoots no matter the weather. Do you remember the time we decided that sunrise at the ranch in the snow would be magical? Even though it was a balmy -35 degrees outside you were excited and ready to go.
I love those photographs with you in your red Anorak and Tipper running and chasing behind you. I remember after putting those on Facebook everyone in Laramie telling me how beautiful you were and what a good kid you are. Every day I am so thankful that this spring break you came on our family trip to beautiful Kauai Hawaii. It was special for me to just hang out with you. You know just you and I while dad, Nick, Laura, and grandpa went off somewhere.

My Baby Girl Forver
So many of my mommy friends and clients come to me because for them taking photographs of their kids…. well that is not so joyful. You know the eye rolling and impatience etc. and we laugh about it a little as we plan their son or daughter’s senior inspiration. I’m sure every parent can relate to this and until now somehow I was blissfully ignorant of this situation. Somehow as the photographer of choice for their family I was immune. Lately I worry that because I am a professional photographer that I have forever ruined you. I worry you won’t want to plan your senior inspiration. And I worry that you will be one of those adults who cringe when a camera is pulled out.
I’ve noticed that your time in front of a camera is getting shorter and shorter. It seems after all the Snap chats and Instagram for the day you are over the moment. And I wanted to take a minute and reconnect to the girl that I know and love. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself in this busy and constantly connected world that we live in. Thank you for disconnecting and reconnecting to me and letting me capture the genuine, beautiful, and fun daughter you are to me. In a generation of instant capture we are creating images at a rate that we have never done before. But in the volume and noise we are loosing the genuine and true. Thank you for being you and for being my daughter. I love you!