The Spring Musical
This spring, Laramie High School Theatre performed the musical, Annie. My son, Nicholas, played the police officer, and did a wonderful job! All students did an amazing job on the production. Sandy, the dog, was played by a live dog, and he was so funny to watch. He had some moments where he got a little too excited to see the police officer, and you can see my son smiling and breaking character. It was a sweet moment.

A Family-Friendly production
Annie is a musical with music by Charles Strouse, lyrics by Martin Charnin, and a book by Thomas Meehan. It is based on the 1924 comic strip Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray. The original Broadway production opened in 1977. Since then, it has been adapted into several films, including a Disney film, and is considered the best-loved musical of all time. The story takes place in New York City in 1933. Eleven-year-old Annie lives in an orphanage after her parents abandoned her there as a baby.
Annie reminds us to hold onto hope, and that sunshine is always around the corner.

The Plot
Annie holds out hope that her parents will come back for her, and escapes to try to find them but is caught by the cruel keeper of the orphanage, Miss Hannigan. Later on, she is able to escape again with the help of the laundry man, as he smuggles her out in his laundry cart. Afterword, Annie runs into a stray dog, and fools a police officer into thinking he is her dog, Sandy. Later, Annie is taken back to the orphanage and punished.

The play ends with billionaire Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks adopting Annie, after having her over for Christmas. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is inspired by Annie’s story and makes a New Deal to restore America’s Economy after the Great Depression.

Laramie High
School Theatre did an excellent job performing Annie! The costumes and
makeup looked high-quality, the singing and music were great. The LHS Orchestra
performed underneath the stage, hidden away by netting. I was able to get some
great shots of the production, so that it will live on for generations!